We have been busy – been and applied for a national insurance number, so if I found a job I could apply for it. I have a bank account and have had 2 meetings at the bank discussing investments, and what to do should I need to borrow money to buy a business.

We have been staying with Uncle Dave and Aunty Mary whilst sorting out this admin, and before setting off on a trip up the columbia River to the town of Nelson which is famous for many things – its arts community, its heritage architecture, a large gay community and BCs massive dope growing capital.

They have a campground in the center of the town which was closed but we stayed there anyway and no one objected. We looked in several real estate agents and saw this ex-gov. building which we could convert – half to an upscale B&B and half to a snow board hostel, maybe. Vernon Street, Nelson

We have been busy – been and applied for a national insurance number, so if I found a job I could apply for it. I have a bank account and have had 2 meetings at the bank discussing investments, and what to do should I need to borrow money to buy a business. We have…