Tonight we ate moose burgers, which Wendy made from some mince the next door neighbours gave us. It was damn fine and a lot like beef but a bit drier in texture, so a big success.

The neighbours, Merl and Juanita, are in their seventies and have almost completed building their own house on the acre lot next to ours. Merl has built a workshop the size of an average UK bungalow in the grounds, he has every power tool going, a tv, video, computer and 3 piece bathroom in it !
The walls are adorned with moose antlers and pin ups :o) He also has 2 intriguing vehicles – a quad bike with a roof so that it resembles a small and chunky golf cart, which he uses for moose hunting, and a 1969 Beaumont gas guzzler which they bought new and have cherished since.

We dont have cable or a telephone installed yet and the guy that came to do it thinks it might be a big job as they have to dig the road up – bugger!

Tonight we ate moose burgers, which Wendy made from some mince the next door neighbours gave us. It was damn fine and a lot like beef but a bit drier in texture, so a big success. The neighbours, Merl and Juanita, are in their seventies and have almost completed building their own house on the…