
Today we were playing on the deserted beach, swinging the kids on a tyre tied on a long rope to the top of a tree, when Derek said he would love to see a killer whale before he went home. About 10 minutes later a pod of 6 orca swam into the inlet and were followed by 3 boat loads of whale watchers in hot pursuit. They were about 30 m away from us, surfacing and blowing and looked to be going into a dead end at the end of the fjord-type stretch of water. The watchers backed off and the whales headed out to open sea, making this the most exciting thing that has happened to us so far – it was just terrific.

Orcas Today we were playing on the deserted beach, swinging the kids on a tyre tied on a long rope to the top of a tree, when Derek said he would love to see a killer whale before he went home. About 10 minutes later a pod of 6 orca swam into the inlet and…